27 Quick Content Marketing Tips to Drive More Traffic [Infographic]

The purpose of content marketing is to increase brand awareness, manage your online reputation, generate leads and acquire new clients. In order to achieve any of these, you must master, at the very least, the basic aspects of SEO, SEM for healthy growth of your business.

Here are 27 quick and actionable content marketing tips from Digital Vidya in a handy infographic that will help you drive traffic and increase engagement.

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27 quick and actionable content marketing tips to help you drive traffic and increase engagement.:

  1. Use of content for customer guidance through buying cycle.
  2. Social media is the best tool for getting connected to far off.
  3. Quality to be ensured rather than marketing content strategy.
  4. One could try for 1,000+ word long posts for content for giving due importance to audience with respect to SEO and traffic.
  5. Buyer persona to be keenly monitored before producing content.
  6. Link back to your site for traffic and authority in case of guest blog on popular industry blogs.
  7. Precision should be kept in mind while drafting headlines.
  8. Use a lot of email in content marketing.
  9. Consistency with respect to blog should be maintained.
  10. Among marketers 82% who blogged on regular basis gained one customer via their blog.
  11. By making use of social sharing buttons in your own blog one’s own blogs could be shared with ease.
  12. Breathe life into old content by repurposing which would add variety and vigour to the whole sum lot.
  13. For referral and traffic ones content should always be syndicated so as to reach to a new audience.
  14. For being an effective content marketer content strategy is the most important tool.
  15. Content promotion check list should be effectively put in use.
  16. For gaining audience there must be some effective planning to follow up.
  17. By quoting an influencer and linking to their content one needs to tap on influencer marketing.
  18. For repeat traffic one needs to create a series of post and not to rely on one single bits only.
  19. Very basic conversion optimization techniques are to be followed for generating leads out of your content.
  20. Proper analysis should be done for what is in demand so as to promote it and discard the rest away.
  21. Use content which is meant for ages along with being trendy.
  22. Offer a content which would lead to engagement and conversation both.
  23. Look for the most appropriate content producing environment with respect to time, day and surroundings. Interview the new blooms in your industry or the already famous ones.
  24. Your message needs to be visualized via Slide Share, videos and info graphics.
  25. Try to relate your favourite TV shows to your topic.
  26. Your email outbox should be transformed into blog posts.
  27. To hit the bulls eye the target is none other than your audience.

Content marketing tips infographic from Digital Vidya.

Further Reading: