This Week in Growth: 5 Marketing Bullets 4/1/2016

This post originally appeared on Growth Everywhere, a marketing and business growth blog.

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you are all prepared for an awesome weekend! But first, here are my top five favorite marketing pieces from this week:

  1. Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Instant Articles (Guide to Set Up) – This detailed post written by Tamas Torok does, indeed, tell you everything you need to know about Facebook Instant Articles! From “Why does it matter” to the advantages and disadvantages to a step-by-step guide to setting up a WordPress plugin, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of FB Instant Articles.
  1. 75 Content Marketing Examples to Inspire Your SEO – This truly epic post is all about creating 10x content. Why? Because better content leads to a better ROI. العب واكسب The SiegeMedia team has gone through hundreds of popular keywords (and thousands of horrible pages) and came up with these 75 examples of content done right. طريقه لعب البوكر “These content marketing examples prove that there are endless ways that companies, no matter what industry, can create incredible, engaging works of art.” Bingo!
  1. 21 Actionable SEO Techniques You Can Use Right Now (Updated) – Another brilliant post from Backlinko states that successful Search Engine Optimizers consistently do two things really well. One, they identify SEO techniques that get results, and two, they put ALL their resources into executing them. If you don’t quite have an SEO strategy that works, this post will show you how.
  1. Scraping for Content Marketing Ideas & ResearchBoy, epic posts are on a roll this week! If you’re unfamiliar with the term “scraping” (no, not when you fall down and skin your knees), it’s a “way of automating or scaling the process of gathering information from different websites on the Internet.” There’s not a lot of content on the web about scraping for your content marketing research, so this is a great post that gives examples of how to do it.
  1. Advanced Technical SEO – Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks – This slideshare post is from Ari Nahmani, CEO & founder of Kahena Digital Marketing, who writes about the latest in advanced technical SEO at SMX Munich 2016. This slideshare covers technical SEO issues around e-commerce, preventing index bloat, and current solutions.

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