3 Simple Ways to Scale Your Content Writing Fast


Do you have a business that relies on content writing to get traffic?

Content marketing is a great way to drive growth for your online business almost on autopilot – but it does come with certain challenges: a major one being that of scale.

But because of something called publishing velocity – the frequency and consistency you publish new content – you need to take a new approach to your content writing if your business is to compete and thrive in 2023.

In this article, I’m going to walk you through how to publish quality content quickly so you can scale your content output.

What Does It Mean to Scale Content?

First, let’s just quickly define what we mean by “scaling content”.

To scale something up simply means to “increase something in size, number or extent, especially by a constant proportion across the board.”

So, to scale your content writing refers to devising a system in which you regularly ideate, create, publish and promote your blog posts, usually with a goal to growing your business.

Scaling your content doesn’t mean that you are dashing off dozens of hundred-word posts a week or copying and pasting your best article or plagiarizing content from other sources. Although it is about quantity, it’s more about quality. Publishing blog posts just for the sake of publishing content doesn’t do anyone any favors.

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* Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About 10x Content
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* How to Structure Your Content Marketing Team (to Scale Your Business)

A Major Shift in Mindset

The old advice: Write one or two blog posts yourself per week, and you’ll drive traffic and growth to your business in time.

The new advice: Leverage publishing velocity and get SEO-optimized quality content out at scale!

Real-life case studies show overwhelmingly that in order to drive real growth with content marketing, you need to approach it like a hungry startup:

graph showing huge increase in traffic after implementing content marketing

This is a major shift in mindset that I myself had to go through: I went from thinking like a blogger to thinking like a startup.

And in order to scale my content writing, I had to:

  • improve my content writing process and set a standard
  • enhance my content writing output with the help of software tools
  • delegate content writing to take advantage of publishing velocity

If this sounds like you, or if you can relate to the frustrations of content creation, then let me save you some time and give you the recipe that allowed me to scale, and actually spend less time writing content.

Scale Content Effortlessly


Top 3 Strategies to Scale Your Content Writing Fast

A huge mistake that most people make is jumping straight into outsourcing content, which is the same as a toddler trying to run for the first time, resulting in a big flop on the floor.

Skipping the steps of improving your own writing, creating processes, and setting standards usually results in choppy, inconsistent, unoptimized, and subpar content.

No matter if you’re a solopreneur just getting started with content marketing, or an established SaaS company, the following strategies will benefit you.

1) Improve Your Content Writing Process with Atomic Writing

Henry Ford was the first to create the assembly line for producing vehicles at scale, and your content writing needs to take the same approach with structure and frameworks.

Does this mean that the quality will be worse? On the contrary, for an assembly line to work it needs to uphold a high quality of standard in every single step of the production process to create an end product that conveys value.

A copywriter’s framework for writing quality content fast is known as atomic writing.

Although the words “atomic writing” might sound a bit like college, it’s actually an excellent framework used by copywriters to quickly outline and write a piece of content that people would actually want to read. And once you nail this framework with a little practice, outlining and writing a great intro should only take around 10 minutes of your time.

The benefits of doing this, regardless if you outsource to writers or not, is that you control the quality from the start, set the tone, hook the reader, and outline the rest of the post.

Remember that besides SEO optimization (which is writing for algorithms), we write for human readers like yourself first.

In fact, this post is written based on this very framework and we’ll go through it right now.

The Headline

Spend some time on the headline as it’s the first thing that readers see. If they don’t find the title enticing enough to click on, then the content within is worthless at this point.

A simple way to nail this step is to first articulate the idea that you want in the title, and then refine it in iterations until it looks sharp and on point.

The main things to hit in the headline are:

  • What is the problem?
  • What is the promise (or solution) that you’re making for the reader?

Copywriters usually love to include a number in the headline, and this will naturally lend itself to shaping your outline for the rest of the content almost automatically.

If you talk about “3 things you wish you knew…”, those three things will be your main points to expand on and mirror in the content.

If you’re still stuck at this point, then you can try and draw inspiration from other headlines to get the creativity going.

Dive Deeper: How to Write Hero Headlines to Skyrocket Click-Through Rates

The Intro

The intro should cover the following points in order to compel the reader to continue reading:

  • What is this article about?
  • Who is it for?
  • What is the promise?
  • What’s the credibility (your own, someone else’s, or research)?

This does not have to be complicated at all, but these are the elements in an intro that hit home.

The reader essentially gets an insight into what this content will be about, if it applies to them, if it’s worth investing the time reading, and if they will gain some benefit from the information.

Many writers make the mistake of trying to jam too much info into the introduction and wind up hiding the key points. If your intro is more than a few short, concise paragraphs, you might want to add a new header for the excess content.

The Main Points

If you got the headline right, then the content itself should mirror the point(s) that you already made in the headline. This gives your content writing a good flow throughout the piece and you know exactly what to expand on.

At this point, you can outsource the rest of the content as we will discuss in step 3, serving as an excellent outline for your writers. All it really takes is 10-15 minutes of your time writing in this framework once you’re proficient in it.

Let’s take this very article as an example. The title leads with “3 simple ways to…”, which naturally sets the stage for the rest of the content to revolve around three things, three steps, three tips, or three anything.

At this point, you can either start writing or outsource the rest of the content (as we will discuss in step three), providing an excellent outline for your writers.

Some things to consider in the main body of the article, regardless of whether you’re the one writing it or you are outsourcing it, are:

  • Expand on the promise made in the title and intro sections.
  • Deliver the “results” and cover all the main points.
  • Make this section of your article as concise and valuable as possible. No fluff!
  • It’s a good idea to include bullet points to summarize takeaways in each segment.

The Outro

Bad outros are usually just regurgitating the same points in the content, so instead try to make a mini conclusion by saying something new, or ending with one last point to the story. This way, the outro will be polished and a refreshing end to an already great piece of content.

Don’t overthink the outro, just try to wrap things up in a nice and clean way that’s non-repetitive. In other words, don’t just list the things that have already been expanded on in detail.

Some points that could make a nice finisher are:

  • Use some kind of punchline
  • Use a quote that resonates with the content
  • Share a new insight that you’ve learned after consuming the content
  • Talk about an after-state, how you improved after learning what’s in the content

2) Enhance Your Content Writing with AI Software Tools

Artificial intelligence is no longer the future; it’s already augmenting our lives to help us become more productive and efficient, and it’s gaining traction in content creation as well:

mini infographic that says more than half of businesses who use AI tools see an increase of productivity

This entire step is for those that are not in a position to fully outsource content yet. With that being said, there are a few different software tools that you can use to increase output and scale content writing.

Let’s go through them.

Dive Deeper: 20 AI Tools to Scale Your Marketing and Improve Productivity

Grammar Tools to Improve Writing

There are no excuses for bad grammar and spelling anymore.

The most basic yet necessary software tool that you can use to create content in less time is a grammar tool. Grammarly not only corrects spelling errors, but also suggests sentence structures that make sense:

screenshot of grammar tool Grammarly correcting spelling and grammar

In a way, this tool educates you to write more efficiently over time, sharpening your own skills. This, in conjunction with Google Docs sentence predictor, makes writing a breeze.

Scale Content Effortlessly


Content Generation Tools to Speed Up Writing

With the release of the GPT-3 to the public (openAI), a ton of SaaS companies have created writing services.

GPT-3 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, which is the third iteration of an AI language model that produces text and content very similar to something that a human could write.

Not all AI writing services are created equally though, and there is some truly excellent AI writing software on the market right now. These are not to be confused with black-hat practices like content spinners (tools that just rewrite articles by changing a word here or there, which is essentially plagiarism).

Using the tool Jarvis, for example, lets you write content alongside an AI, and you’ll see the content being written in front of your eyes, depending on your input to the AI:

Note: Although AI is getting smarter and learning with each iteration, it can never replace a human fully, so you’ll need to edit the content yourself. They are best used for generating ideas, outlines and sentences.

But the biggest benefit of augmenting your writing with AI is that it lets you create content at a much faster pace, increasing output remarkably. What might take you 3-4 hours to write a long-form blog post can be reduced to 1 hour with the help of the best AI writers.

SEO SaaS Tools to Optimize Writing

You might have the absolute best content in your hands, but without good distribution it is worthless. This is where SEO comes in to increase organic traffic.

Search Engine Optimization is oftentimes shrouded in mystery as something super hard that only SEO experts can pull off, but this is not the case – especially when using a content optimization tool like Clearscope.

Clearscope helps you optimize your content, suggests word count and semantic keywords, offers People Also Ask questions pulled straight from Google, and gives you a readability score and an overall content grade. Optimizing your content will help search engines like Google rank your content higher in the SERPs.

Dive Deeper:
* What Is a Content Optimization Tool and Why Do You Need It?
* How to Create a High-Performance Content Marketing Strategy

3) Delegate Content Writing

Outsourcing blog posts and web content to professional content writers is the most efficient way to scale your business like a startup.

But it’s essential that, before delegating content creation, you understand what good writing is, how you want your content to be formatted, what tone it needs to have, what info it should contain, and what the goal is that you want to achieve with it.

But first you, yourself, must improve your content writing skills in order to be able to recognize these traits.

Hiring good content writers that produce quality work for your brand is a whole post in itself as there is just so much to it, but for this article I’ll just let you know the basics that need to be in place to scale effectively.

SOPs and Detailed Processes

Now that you can identify what good writing is, it’s paramount to create guidelines, templates and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on what results to expect from employees, such as:

  • What you want your content to look like
  • What formatting the writer should use
  • What structure they should follow
  • What tone of voice they should apply
  • The target audience that they should write for

I usually use a shareable note-taking app like Notion to share my SOPs and collaborate with my staff. Notion is a powerful all-in-one workspace where you can organize literally anything from thoughts and ideas to content calendars, SOPs, organizing information and much more:

Notion, an all-in-one workspace for managing notes, tasks, calendars, databases and more - What ...

Dive Deeper: How to Drive Effective Content Creation with Efficient Production Workflows

Hiring Good Writers

Once you’ve got your standards set and the SOP documents created, it’s time to find your writers.

It’s essential to find writers that are good and don’t plagiarize content, or you could get into serious trouble. That’s why it’s best to avoid sites like Fiverr and either work with real freelancers or use content writing services.

The benefits of using a content writing service are:

  • You literally offload the entire process of finding a writer and hiring them, which can take up a ton of time.
  • These services deliver higher-quality content as they have in-house editors polishing up first drafts before sending it over to you (although the results can still vary).
  • You always own the full rights to the content being produced for you and should be plagiarism free (depending on the service, so always check what they offer).
  • If a writer disappears in the middle of a project, it’s up to the writing service to find a replacement and deliver the content to you on time.

The downside is that you’ll pay more for each piece of content written, but the tradeoff is most often worth it. Hiring a writer yourself is always cheaper, but you’ll have to deal with everything yourself that a service would otherwise do for you.

And since this post is all about simple ways to scale your content writing, we recommend starting with a content writing service.

Some examples of these services that deliver high-quality content are:

Use These 3 Content Writing Strategies to Scale in 2023

No matter if you are “just a blogger” or a SaaS company in the process of scaling, the tips that I have gone through in this post apply to both.

Becoming a better version of yourself is what allows you to delegate tasks to others, and delegating writing tasks to professional writers is what allows you to scale your content writing.

Hopefully you learned how to create great content and scale the process! But if you just want an expert content marketing agency to do it for you, click the orange button below 👇

Scale Content Effortlessly