How Bettina Hein Grows Video Advertising Platform Pixability 100% per Year [podcast]

This post originally appeared on Growth Everywhere, a marketing and business growth blog.

In today’s episode, I share the mic with Bettina Hein, founder and CEO of Pixability, a video advertising platform.

Bettina is a lifelong entrepreneur and has never held a “real” job. Right after graduate school, she started her first business, which was a speech-technology software company, and was ahead of its time. In fact, that technology lives on in Android phones and navigation systems.

Bettina then became a Sloan Fellow at MIT, where she founded Pixability. Even though she had insatiable curiosity, she probably lost a few years when building Pixability because she had to learn on the go. She tries to learn as much as she can by reading, asking questions, and speaking with leaders in the field of whatever she is trying to learn.

Pixability helps brands and agencies with video advertising, as well as finding channels for profit and finding their proper audience. Pixability also makes it easier to buy ads on digital platforms.

Tune in to hear Bettina share how they’ve grown Pixability over 100% a year for the last five years in a row, what they use for successful customer acquisition, and how she started her first software company right out of graduate school and sold it for $125 million.

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Download podcast transcript [PDF] here: How Bettina Hein Has Grown Video Advertising Platform Pixability 100% per Year for the Last 5 Years TRANSCRIPT

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